It is a simple phrase with profound implications. "In a world where you can be anything, be kind," the line goes. And if you believe there is good in the world, if you believe we rise by lifting others, then it's a phrase that you - THAT WE ALL - should remember.
It could sound like a platitude, if you're a cynic...though the irony there is, many a cynic would do well not just to remember it. It's important that we all recognize kindness when they see it displayed by others, to overtly call attention to it.
It will do more than make the world an incrementally better place. It will remind us that we ourselves should strive to be a better human.
In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
We have several versions of the quote on artwork here. Feel free to copy and paste however and wherever you'd like.
Tango Yankee for visiting, and remember...
Kindness is a superpower.
How the Tango Yankee Project works.